Here's Reese wearing the "In the Tub" towel.
This week's product is for the bathtub. I actually stumbled onto it by accident. That is, if an accident involves wandering into Target and a magnetic force taking over your body and drawing you over to the baby gear. I needed nothing but if you know anything about me you'd know that it's really hard for me to not leave a store without a purchased item. I've gotten better though...I swear. Anyway, out of the corner of my eye I saw this cute little turtle washcloth. Little did I know when I got it home it was so much more.
It is an "In the Tub" towel. How it works is you stick it into the warm water and get it wet. Once your baby is in the tub, slide the "In the Tub" towel over your baby. What this towel does is it keeps baby warm while your cleaning your baby, and for mommas of little boys, it keeps you from getting peed on. My kids LOVE it. They scream if they don't have it and as soon as I slip that turtle on, they're happy babies. It makes for super cute photos too! Ours is made by Circo, which I believe is a Target brand.
I got this as a shower gift today and I can't wait to use it!!!!!!!!