The weekend started with the boys getting a box in the mail from Grandma N. It had some fun Easter clothes and toys. The boys loved their barnyard animal toys. We added them to our bath time routine where we sang "Old MacDonald Had a Farm". I also taught the boys a new song called "It's Easter and I Feel Good." It goes like this...
I'm gonna clap my hands (clap, clap, clap)
I'm gonna clap my hands (clap, clap, clap)
I'm gonna clap my hands like I know I should
cause it's Easter and I feel good.
I'm gonna stomp my feet (stomp, stomp, stomp)
I'm gonna stomp my feet (stomp, stomp, stomp)
I'm gonna stomp my feet like I know I should
cause it's Easter and I feel good.
I'm gonna click my tongue (click, click, click)
I'm gonna click my tongue (click, click, click)
I'm gonna click my tongue like I know I should
cause it's Easter and I feel good.
I'm gonna wiggle my hips (woo, woo, woo)
I'm gonna wiggle my hips (woo, woo, woo)
I'm gonna wiggle my hips like I know I should
cause it's Easter and I feel good.
I'm gonna sing my song (laa, laa, laa)
I'm gonna sing REAL LOUD (laa, laa, laa)
I'm gonna sing my song like I know I should
cause it's Easter and I feel GOOD!
The boys really got into this song. Lots of big grins and hearty laughs. On Easter morning the boys found their Easter baskets. The baskets had Easter eggs with socks in them, baby sunglasses, their Easter church going outfit, an Easter book, and lots of candy. The candy was really more for mom and dad. After baskets were gone through we all got dressed and headed to church.
One of the parishoners told a story about when he was a boy and riding in the truck with his grandpa. A bee flew into the truck and wouldn't leave him alone. His grandpa told him to calm down and when the bee figured out he didn't have anything the bee wanted it would fly away. The bee didn't leave, so the grandpa caught the bee in his hand and the bee stung the grandpa. The grandpa showed the bee stinger in his hand and assured him that it wouldn't harm him no longer.
Not too long after that grandpa was on his death bed and the boy asked his grandpa if he was scared to die. The grandpa showed him the stinger still in his hand and said, "Do you remember this?"
The boy said, "Yes you caught the bee and took the sting so the bee wouldn't hurt me."
The grandpa said, "That's what Jesus did for us. He took the pain so we wouldn't have to, so no I'm not afraid."
When I heard this story, I'm not ashamed to admit, I cried. What a great story to explain the meaning of Easter and exactly what Jesus' intentions were. The best part is leaving church feeling like I've gained something from the service and that I had a great time. I know the boys did because they were all smiles the whole time. Later in the evening, right before bed, I asked my husband Brad what his favorite part of the day was. He told me it was church and I felt the same way.
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