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Monday, May 23, 2011

Finally Some Nursery Pics!!!

I took some pictures of the boys months ago and had them made into 11" by 14" pictures. Reese and Brady are now five months old and finally have a somewhat finished nursery. Before I post some pictures let me fill you in with the story behind the nursery theme. Brad and I decided that we did not want to find out if we were having boys, girls, or one of each. With that said, the nursery needed to be gender neutral. You would not believe how hard this would prove to be. Most infant bedding is very gender specific and if there was a gender neutral one it was incredibly hideous or yellow. I don't have anything against yellow, but it's not a color for a bedroom. Yellow in a bedroom or nursery instills anxiety...don't believe me, look it up.

I searched all over the Internet for inspiration and believe it or not I found what I wanted on Pottery Barn Teen or PB Teen. They had all these modern rooms with polka dots. I really liked the brown and white polka dots. Brown can be paired up with just about any color combination; there's blue and brown, Pink and brown, green and brown, purple and brown...etc. We chose to do a blue/green (to be exact Tiffany Blue, I took the box into the paint store and had it custom made) and brown. I surprisingly found brown and white polka dot crib linens at Target and the rest just fell into place.

Here are the pictures that I had blown up. Reese is on the left and Brady is on the right.

This is Reese's side of the room. I'm thinking of putting an IPod docking station where the radio is eventuallt an possibly a hanging bookshelf above the dresser. we'll see.

Here is Brady's side of the room.

The rocking chair and changing station. It's a little cluttered, but oh well.

Here's the famous screen door. We put this in instead of purchasing expensive crib tents to prevent the cats from joining the kids in their cribs. It's worked out perfectly. It was a $15 purchase.

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